First Baptist Church
A Church is born…
The dream began in a house with the encouragement and support of Liberty Baptist Church. In May of 1852, the minutes of Liberty Church, located north of Springfield, record the following: “We grant that an arm of the church may be organized in Springfield in answer to a petition of some of the brethren of that place.” It was a God-inspired endeavor.
The founding of the first church of Baptist denomination in Springfield fell to Rev. B. McCord Roberts and eleven other Liberty church members.
For the first nine years, this new congregation met in a variety of places including the homes of members; a schoolhouse, in Temperance Hall; and in the Southern Methodist House of Worship. A new church building was finished and occupied at the beginning of 1861, but five months after completion the building was occupied by the Federal authorities for military purposes during the Civil War.
These were hard years for the struggling church, but they were not hindered from their mission. The result of their vision and sacrifice is a church that still stands today as a lighthouse of the Gospel and spiritual enrichment for her members!
The vision continues…
The value of a church’s ministry is greatly determined by the faithfulness of that church to her original commission. First Baptist still stands in the heart of downtown Springfield as a lighthouse of hope and a launching pad for ministry and missions.
First Baptist has had the blessing of being used by God to start 13 other churches over time and to grandfather nine others.
Today, we participate in missions, have an active youth program, have classes for all ages, host two schools, and have recently remodeled our newly named Community Outreach Center to provide a place for fun and games, as well as reaching out to our community for Christ’s sake.
We are here to be an instrument for Jesus Christ so that His Gospel can go out to the community and so that He can be worshipped for the Great God that He is.